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The Parrot Lady™







ASPCA Poison Control Hotline

Please sign the PAW Spay & Neuter Petition.  Help prevent needless deaths!

Information on low cost or free dog/cat spay & neuter programs!

The Animal Rescue Site helps feed Abused and Negelected Animals! The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "feed an animal in need" for free! This doesn't cost you a thing! Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Please help today and everyday with a simple click of your mouse!

Oasis Sanctuary is a life-care facility established to care for captive exotic birds plus farmed and domestic animals!

The Oasis Sanctuary is a life-care facility established to care for captive exotic birds, mostly parrots. There are 400+ birds plus 50 other farmed and domestic animals, as well as 8 human animals, who call the Sanctuary home. The Oasis Sanctuary is located in rural southeastern Arizona. Please visit us at our site and see the type of work we do! We respectfully ask your web site visitors to help with donations to the Oasis Sancturay to replenish our disaster supplies fund from a recent brush with fire!

Jade's World - fostered dogs and cats for adoption in Las Vegas, Nevada.Welcome to Jade's World. We are located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Please check out our adoption page of cats and dogs. These animals are fostered and are in need of a good home.

BluSkies Small Animal Rescue
We take in unwanted or displaced Birds (big or small), Ferrets, exotics, Yorkshire Terriers, Poodles, Chihuahuas, all small breeds and mixes, larger breeds if space permits. We are a non-profit, No-kill Rescue. Adoption contracts required. Contact Bonnie Thomas Las Vegas, Nevada (702) 433-9092

World Society for the Protection of Animals LogoIraq - Emergency Relief Effort
Everyone has seen the distressing images on the news of the war in Iraq. Thankfully aid agencies are providing some relief for the millions of people affected by the war. The Iraqi people must now try to rebuild their country, their homes and their lives. WSPA has been asked by the US State Department to attend to the animals in Iraq after the devastating conflict and the previous 12 years of sanctions.

The mission will be to provide emergency relief for the suffering animals in post war Iraq and begin the long term process of improving animal welfare in the country. Please help by visiting our web site and making a donation today!

Animal Avengers Rescue Group!Animal Avengers is dedicated to rescuing animals, getting them the health care they need and finding them loving homes. We just want to give our furry friends the second chance they deserve. We believe that through educating the community on animal safety, responsible pet care, rescue, the importance of spaying and neutering pets, advocating for their rights and working with local organizations, we can make a difference in the lives of these cherished creatures.

spcaLA: Friends for Life!Since 1877, spcaLA has focused primarily on 3 key elements of animal welfare-investigation & rescue, education and adoption since its inception. But today to reflect the needs of the community, we have programs that offer much more like Animal Assisted Therapy, pet matching for seniors, violence prevention, and humane education for children. Join us today by donating your time or money to our non-profit organization.

5026 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90016


Phone No.


Cruelty Tip Line



DART (Disaster Animal Response Team)



Companion Animal Services



Humane Education



Community Outreach



Volunteer Services



Shambala: The Roar FoundationShambala is an organization owned and operated by Tippi Hedren, an actress most noted for her role in "The Birds". Shambala is located in Antelope Valley, California, and it is just a short drive from the Los Angeles area. The purpose of this organization is to give a home to many animals used in the movie "Roar" and also to help other animals that are rescued from private owners and facilities that couldn't care for them. Among the animals at Shambala, you'll find over 60 big cats like lions, tigers, spotted and black leopards, snow leopards, mountain lions, servals plus 2 African elephants. And don't forget the many species of ducks!

Please help stop the slaughter of horses for meat export to foreign countries. Many magnificent wild horses are rounded up and sent to American slaughter houses in Texas and Chicago to satisfy the Belgians, other Europeans and Asians who consider horse meat to be a delicacy.

Help close the PMU farms and stop the cruel abuse that pregnant mares must suffer to extract a hormone from their urine to make Premarin, a hormone replacement therapy. Make sure to tell your doctor that you want to use one of the many all natural plant source hormone replacement therapies like, Estrace.






  The Fund for Animals



North Shore Animal League

Pasadena Humane Society:Pet View






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